Near Turnkey Solutions
OBS offers manufacturers a Near Turnkey (NTK) solution for the low-cost PayTV Zapper, and PVR markets. Optimised for low-cost platforms, with minimal resource requirements, the NTK provides manufacturers with a ready-to-go solution that can be readily customised to the end market requirements.
The NTK compromises of OBS’ DVB stack, pre-integrated with a UI framework, and standard hooks for the integration of conditional access modules for the Pay-TV market. A reference UI implementation is also available or manufacturers are free to develop their own using a 3rd party, commercially available, drag n drop tool. The NTK is suited to both Linux and RTOS based systems.
System Overview
The NTK is designed to require minimal system resources and is ideal for RTOS, or low footprint Linux based systems. The exact requirements will vary with the OS, numbers of channels/events in the programme guide, and complexity of the UI assets.

Near Turnkey provides users with a whole host of benefits, making it easier to get your product to market efficiently to ensure that you are one step ahead of your competitors.

Near-Production Ready
Our solution is near-production ready, and based on market-proven technologies which leaves you free to focus on on customising the solution to ensure that it meets your needs.

Lower Costs
Creating a new product can be expensive and time-consuming. By using our Near Turn Key solution, it will lower your costs meaning you can invest in other areas.

Faster Time to Market
By using our ready-made Near Turn Key solution you can have a faster time to market, resulting in you being one step ahead of your competitors.
Find Out More
If you would like to know more about Ocean Blue Software's Near Turnkey solution, please email us at